College of Business

Strategic Goal 1

Leverage relationships with both the public and private sectors to support relevant communities.


  • Align curriculum with market demands based on advisory board, stakeholders, and professional bodies' recommendations.

  • Enhance the assurance of learning model in alignment with the UAE Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)/AACSB guidelines for continuous improvement.

Strategic Goal 2

Offer innovative academic degree programs that contribute to student learning and professional development.


  • Integrate applied curriculum initiatives through simulations and software.

  • Assimilate practice-oriented approach to learning.

Strategic Goal 3

Cultivate and nurture continuous learning opportunities for the business community.


  • Align curriculum with market demands based on advisory board, stakeholders, and professional bodies' recommendations.

  • Enhance the assurance of learning model in alignment with the UAE Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)/AACSB guidelines for continuous improvement.

Strategic Goal 4

Offer innovative academic degree programs that contribute to student learning and professional development.


  • Provide workshops to faculty members in the area of research led teaching.

  • Create and develop intellectual contributions that aim to address contemporary challenges in business settings.