College of Computer Information

Strategic Goal 1

“Offer quality and career-oriented academic programs to fulfill market demands in the information technology knowledge domain”


  • Enable students to understand, and attain knowledge and skills in various computer information technology concentrations.

  • Enable students to apply the current technology, and practices in the computer information field to meet market demands.

Strategic Goal 2

“Prepare students for pursuing their higher education to enrich their knowledge and skills.”


  • Prepare students to pursue higher academic studies in the field of IT

  • Equip students with the necessary skills for applying the latest technology in their day-to-day professional work and motivating faculty and students to adapt best practices from the industry for their projects.

  • Provide quality academic programs, and support services.

Strategic Goal 3

“Implement a professional, ethical and socio-technical approach to curriculum.”


  • Develop learning activities through comprehensive portfolio of curricular, and extra-curricular activities.

  • Illustrate the diversity of schools of thought within the information technology knowledge domain.

Strategic Goal 4

“Develop relationships and collaborations with universities, businesses, local and regional communities.”


  • Develop collaborative agreements with academic institutions for the purposes of intellectual advancement.

  • Cultivate relationships with businesses and the community to advance curriculum offering.

Strategic Goal 5

“Implement a professional, ethical and socio-technical approach to curriculum.”


  • Create a research environment, which incite faculty to excite their research.

  • Develop faculty research productivity.