College of Media & Mass Communication

The media and mass communication programs have a philosophy of learning as their central theme that promotes growth of creativity and expression. All courses have been developed to attain objectives that relate to the practical skills and underlying aspirations of the students. The intention is to create an atmosphere in which students can appreciate and understand human activities and an environment in which they can realize their learning outputs, in the realms of communications, cultural practices, media handling, negotiations, public relations and strategic communication.

Study Today & Fulfill the Promise of Tomorrow

The College of Media & Mass Communication at AUE holds the promises of tomorrow. The programs offered by the college transform students as communication graduates, with possibilities, pragmatism and scholarly entrepreneurship all in one package. The programs are designed to bring satisfaction of learning and include exposure to experiencing the invisible side of culture and society; the social environment and conditions will be vividly understood and appreciated. Furthermore, the college has agreements with various US and international universities offering the opportunity to students to enhance their careers by studying under joint-degree programs and continuing their education beyond graduate level.